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This blog contains questions asked in interviews. Questions are related to Java, Struts and Web Technology.

I have listed all the questions that I have been asked in some interview or I have asked to someone. Please go through the index given to right. 

This Blog can help one to test your knowledge just before taking some interview.

Share your interview question to make it a better collection.

Describe String in Java.
What are the differences between the == operator and the equals() method?
What is String.intern()?
Which one of the following is more efficient?

Describe OOPs concepts.
What is Polymorphism in java?
What is an abstract class?
What is an interface?

What do you know about Containers?
Difference between HashTable and HashMap?
What are the differences between Vector and ArrayList?

What is Garbage Collection ?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of reference counting in garbage collection over tracing algorithm?


Anonymous said...

I could see question related to other topics

Me said...

am still working on it. After some time you will find almost every topic completed. You need to frequently visit the site.
Thanks for visiting and inquiring.